Tag Archives: council

Clane Community Council receives generous donation from Intel

Clane Community Council is delighted to have received $2810  – over €2100 – from Intel Ireland this year as part of their Intel Involved community outreach programme.

Clane Community Council Intel Involved 2014

Martine Grogan, Rita Mahon, Tony McEvoy and John Kennedy, all members of Clane Community Council, delighted to receive the donation from Intel

Intel distributes an amount based on the number of hours its employees volunteer with each approved charity. 2013 was a particularly busy year for the Community Council and with several Intel employees contributing substantial personal time the grant received reflected this.

John Kennedy, Chairman of Clane Community Council and himself an Intel employee, thanked Intel for their generous support of the Community Council.  The money will be used to support the numerous initiatives it continues to run on behalf of the community including Clane Tidy Towns, Clane and Rathcoffey Community Games, Clane Frairy and Abbey Graveyard, and Lé Cheile.

If you or people you know happen to work in Intel – please get in touch if you’d like to find out more about the scheme.

Clane Community Council AGM

CCC LogoClane Community Council held its annual AGM on January 27th.

Chairman John Kennedy addressed the audience, providing a status of all various aspects of the council, and an update on its plans. He called out some of the key achievements in 2013, the 40th of the Council, in which much effort was put into Celebrating Community. He referred to the updated Constitution, the relaunched website, the Community Celebration in the Abbey, the launch of the Claonadh award, the unveiling of the new honour boards in the Abbey and the big switch-on of the Christmas lights and Abbey Tower lighting.

The financial supporters of the Council were all thanked, including Kildare County Council,
The Heritage Council, Clane Project Centre, Intel Ireland, County Kildare Leader Partnership, contributors to our church-gate collections, participants and sponsors of our annual Golf Classic, and all those who made additional donations in support of Community Council activities. The Power and Drumm families were also thanked for their very generous donation to the community of the new external lights to the Abbey. The hard work of all the members of the Council was also acknowledged.

Looking to the future, the re-roofing of the Abbey’s Evergreen room,  the transition of Le Chéile to a more sustainable model and the strengthening of membership of the Council itself were all highlighted as areas to be tackled.

Secretary Paul Carroll then presented the Secretary’s Report summarising the activity of the Council and its subcommittees since the last AGM. The wonderful successes of the Community Games and Tidy Towns committees were called out, as was the great progress achieved by the other Community Council subcommittees.

In his capacity as acting-Treasurer Paul Carroll then presented the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Nick Fitzgerald, providing a comprehensive update on the Council’s financial position. Expenditure was up on previous years, the additional outlay for the various Celebration of Community activities being a major factor. In parallel, income was down – rental of the Abbey tower mast coming to an end and bookings of the hall remaining low pending roof repairs.

Executive officers for 2014 were nominated, seconded, and elected as follows:

  • Chairman: John Kennedy
  • Vice-Chairman: John Power
  • Treasurer: Paul Carroll
  • Asst. Treasurer: Anne Noonan
  • Secretary: Nick Fitzgerald
  • Asst. Secretary: Des Drumm
  • PRO: Tony McEvoy
  • Asst. PRO: Marion Doolan

2013 was busy but very enjoyable year, with many events arranged to celebrate community as part of our 40th Anniversary. In this coming year we wish to build on the momentum and reinforce the Council and the community facilities it manages for the benefit of all. We look forward to working with you, and appreciates your continued support.

For more information on the night including a summary presentation please see here.

Community Council – Nominations Open

As you may know Clane Community Council is made up of volunteers from the community and members are nominated every two years. The current Council is drawing to a close – and nominations are now being sought for the new Council spanning 2014 to 2015.

To nominate yourself or someone else please fill out the nomination form below, also available in Londis on Main Street and in Le Chéile. Please pop the form into the nomination box in Londis.

Nominations close at 6pm on Friday 29th November.

Nominees should be 18 years of age or older and resident within the area of Clane highlighted in the Constitution of Clane Community Council. Nominated persons will be contacted to confirm their consent.

Clane Community Council

Electoral Term 2013-2015

Nomination Paper


I _______________________________________________
the above named, wish to nominate:

Above write the name of person being nominated.

Nominated person’s address (and telephone number)

as a candidate in the Community Council Election.

Sailing into 2nd Place…Together

St Patricks Parade 2013Clane Community Council was delighted to be awarded 2nd Prize for Non-Commercial Floats in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

With a hoard of Vikings returning back to Clane for the Gathering, their longship – the M.V. Clane – boasted shields featuring many aspects of Clane Community Council: Tidy Towns, The Friary, Community Games, The Abbey, Clanewatch, Heritage, and the Liffeyside Nature Park.

St Patricks Parade 2013Spreading the message that as a community “We’re all in the Same Boat”, the float invited everyone to “Let’s all Row Together”.

Well done to everyone in the parade for putting on such a good show, and our congratulations to the hard-working St. Patrick’s Festival Committee, and to everyone who supported them, for running such a fantastic programme of events.

Annual Clane Community Council AGM held

Clane Community CouncilClane Community Council held its annual AGM on January 28th. 

Chairman John Kennedy addressed the audience, providing a status of all the various aspects of the council, and an update on its plans. He also sincerely thanked all the supporters of the Council, as he did all members of the Council for their hard work during 2012. The Secretary’s Report prepared by our Secretary Nick Fitzgerald was presented by our Assistant Secretary Des Drumm. It detailed the activities of the Council and its subcommittees during 2012. Treasurer Paul Carroll provided a comprehensive update on the Council’s financial position.

The reorganised and refreshed ClaneCommunity.ie website was unveiled during the night. It includes many new features and now boasts the possibility for all community groups to have their own web-page…something that all community groups are encouraged to set up via the simple group page request form on ClaneCommunity.ie.

A motion was passed, adopting the new Constitution prepared carefully over the last year.

Executive officers for 2013 were also nominated, seconded, and elected:

  • Chairman: John Kennedy
  • Vice-Chairman: John Power
  • Treasurer: Nick Fitzgerald
  • Asst. Treasurer: Anne Noonan
  • Secretary: Paul Carroll
  • Asst. Secretary: Des Drumm
  • PRO: Tony McEvoy
  • Asst. PRO: Marion Doolan

For more information on the night please see here.

This coming year, our 40th, promises to be a busy but exciting year for the Council. We look forward to celebrating ’40 years of Community in Clane’ with everybody through all our various activities in the coming weeks and months.

Happy St. Patrick’s Weekend!

This is going to be a packed weekend for Clane Community Council! Proceedings kick off at 3pm with our entry in Clane’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade…keep an eye out for Oisín, Niamh and their special announcement in association with Clane Tidy Towns. We also have our Church gate collection this weekend – all support is gratefully appreciated. Finally we are participating in the “Reeling In the Years” exhibition in the Parish Hall on Sunday from 11:00am to 5:30pm. Please drop in and say hello.

Congratulations to our Best Kept Estates and Premises

On Monday October 17th the winners of Clane Best Kept Estates and Best Presented Premises were announced to an eager audience. With a record 21 local estates entering the competition, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes were awarded for large, medium and small estates. The winners are all listed here, and congratulations to all estates that entered this years competition.

The recently inaugurated Best Presented Premises award this year went to Heavenly Shoes and Accessories, on Main Street.

Nick Fitzgerald, Chairman of Clane Community Council, thanked everyone who helped in any way with Clane’s Tidy Towns efforts, and encouraged people to get involved in whatever way they could. Mr. Ted Murray, Chairman of Clane Project Centre, generous sponsers of the awards, congratulated all involved and was delighted to see the competition going from strength to strength.

Community Council Golf Classic

For many years  Clane Community Council’s main source of funding has been its Annual Golf Classic, sponsored in recent years by Nellie Dillon-Ford of Larchfield Park Nursing Home. The money raised, totalling €5000 in 2010, supports the extensive voluntary work that the Council does in Clane village. Besides providing a forum for discussion of local issues and representation of the Community’s interests, the Council’s projects include Tidy Towns, Community Games, the Abbey Community Centre and its Garden of Remembrance, the Friary Graveyard on the Sallins Road, the recently opened Liffeyside Nature Park as well as the more established  Stream Park in the village centre . This year has been particularly expensive for the Council because of the need to spend significant sums of money on the fabric of the Abbey, so all money raised is much needed.

The  Council is  hoping for good levels of support from the Community in Clane for its Golf Classic at Knockanally Golf Club on Friday August 5th , with tee-times between 12 noon and 4pm. Recognising the more difficult times this year, not only has the cost has been maintained at €180 but this is now for a four person team, instead of three as previously. For those unable to play golf or put in a team then sponsorship of a hole is available at  €100 – and is restricted to one sponsor per hole.

The time sheet is in Marron’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Clane and Des Marron can be contacted at 045-868112 . Alternatively Des Drumm can be contacted at 086 2241761. Other members of the organising sub-committee are Nellie Dillon-Ford, Tom Cleary, Sean Kealy and Jack Kinsella , who will happily take bookings for teams!

All  support is very much appreciated by the Community Council and is being acknowledged with a certificate, which can be displayed in business premises, as well as in the Council’s publication Le Cheile,  local press as well as signs at the golf course on the day.

Clane Community Awards – and the winners are…

On Monday 18th October Clane Tidy Towns and Clane Community Council held their annual awards night in Manzor’s, Clane. It was a packed night, with some of our leading young sports men and women recognised, and the winners of the Clane Tidy Estates competition, Best Presented Premises, and Clane Person of the Year were all announced… Continue reading

Spraoi 2010

Look out for the Clane Community Council stand at Spraoi 2010. Find out more about Clane Person of the Year, the work of the various subcommittees, Clane Tidy Towns, our Heritage, and more. Following the success of last year we are holding another free quiz, but with a twist. It’s on Sunday September 12th starting 1:30 pm in the Church car park off Main Street. We look forward to seeing you there!!