Community Council Golf Classic

For many years  Clane Community Council’s main source of funding has been its Annual Golf Classic, sponsored in recent years by Nellie Dillon-Ford of Larchfield Park Nursing Home. The money raised, totalling €5000 in 2010, supports the extensive voluntary work that the Council does in Clane village. Besides providing a forum for discussion of local issues and representation of the Community’s interests, the Council’s projects include Tidy Towns, Community Games, the Abbey Community Centre and its Garden of Remembrance, the Friary Graveyard on the Sallins Road, the recently opened Liffeyside Nature Park as well as the more established  Stream Park in the village centre . This year has been particularly expensive for the Council because of the need to spend significant sums of money on the fabric of the Abbey, so all money raised is much needed.

The  Council is  hoping for good levels of support from the Community in Clane for its Golf Classic at Knockanally Golf Club on Friday August 5th , with tee-times between 12 noon and 4pm. Recognising the more difficult times this year, not only has the cost has been maintained at €180 but this is now for a four person team, instead of three as previously. For those unable to play golf or put in a team then sponsorship of a hole is available at  €100 – and is restricted to one sponsor per hole.

The time sheet is in Marron’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Clane and Des Marron can be contacted at 045-868112 . Alternatively Des Drumm can be contacted at 086 2241761. Other members of the organising sub-committee are Nellie Dillon-Ford, Tom Cleary, Sean Kealy and Jack Kinsella , who will happily take bookings for teams!

All  support is very much appreciated by the Community Council and is being acknowledged with a certificate, which can be displayed in business premises, as well as in the Council’s publication Le Cheile,  local press as well as signs at the golf course on the day.