Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sustainable Clane Judicial Review Update

In the summer of 2021, Clane residents launched a campaign to judicially review a combination of planning decisions by An Bord Pleanála: one for 333 units on Celbridge Road and another for 192 units between Prosperous and Millicent Roads. The question was whether decisions by An Bord Pleanála to permit 525 units, exceeding the planned 145 units for the period, was lawful.

Clane’s healthcare services, schools, and transport were under significant pressure, and 442 units were already fully permitted and awaiting construction. The campaign sought the High Court’s opinion on whether the additional 525 permissions complied with policies for sustainable planning. The wider community responded to the campaign and generously donated €40,000 to fund the costs of preparing and running the legal proceedings.

As the legal processes unfolded, additional applications for planning permissions were submitted, granted, refused, and appealed. Some still await final decisions by An Bord Pleanála. Four judicial reviews were necessary. Each met the substantive legal requirements to proceed to the High Court.

An Bord Pleanála eventually conceded that three decisions should no longer stand. Following their defence of the fourth case in a hearing, the High Court ruled that An Bord Pleanála’s decision was unlawful on all the grounds argued. The High Court judgment is published here, and the Office of the Planning Regulator has summarised the legal learnings here.

The judicial reviews challenged decisions by An Bord Pleanála, which, when added to other planning permissions already granted, would have led to 960 more units in Clane by 2028 in a policy context where limited state investment funds for infrastructure, facilities, and services were prioritised for other towns. As a result of the complex but ultimately successful judicial reviews and updated planning policies, Clane’s phased growth is now potentially 469 units by 2028. There are 309 units under construction, with 160 remaining available for allocation.

The Sustainable Clane Judicial Review campaign sought confirmation of the planning laws governing the application of sustainable policies for Clane’s development. The campaign was a victory for more sensible and measured planning and an endorsement of the Kildare County Council five-year Plan. Clane Community Council and all involved would like to wholeheartedly thank all those who supported the campaign.

Graph of Housing Development in Clane 2017-2028

Clane Town Centre First – 2nd Public Consultation

Kildare County Council is finalising the Clane Town Centre First Plan.

A second public consultation workshop is organised at Clane GAA on Tuesday, 27 February, from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Clane’s residents, businesses, and community groups have shaped the emerging draft through an online public survey and the initial public consultation workshop.

The preferred plan for Clane’s town centre development and revitalisation must be guided by a shared vision to create a dynamic, sustainable and vibrant public space.

Book a Place

Members of the public are encouraged to participate, but space at the workshop is limited.

To secure your seat, please email to confirm a place.

Suaimhneas Centre 2023/2024 Program Launch…

The Suaimhneas Centre launches its Program for 2023/2024 on Saturday the 9th September at 11am.

We will be joined by a very special guest – Br. Richard Hendrick.

Br. Richard was thrust into the limelight when his poem ‘Lockdown’ went viral in the early days of the pandemic. He will speak about mindfulness, meditation and his recent publication:

Stillpoints – A Guide to Living the Mindful, Meditative Way

All are welcome to join us at :

The Suaimhneas Centre, Main Street, Clane


Saturday the 9th September 11am-1pm to hear Br. Richard, have a cuppa and find out all about what we will offer in 2023/2024.

For more information



call: 087-2466 892

Award Winning Estates Competition 2023

Clane Tidy Towns is delighted to announce the launch of Clane’s Award Winning Estates competition 2023. It is again generously sponsored by Clane Project Centre.

The competition is designed to help recognize the great work that residents put into maintaining their Residential Areas. All estates – new and established – are encouraged to enter.

For all of this year’s details, including information on what the judges look for, please see our Entry Pack below. Entry forms can be submitted online below, or by printing and filling out the form at the end of the Entry Pack and handing to any member of the Tidy Towns committee. Please submit your entries by July 15th to be sure to be in time for judging.

The national competition places much emphasis on Sustainability and on Wildlife, so we are particularly interested to hear any steps you may be taking to encourage these. E.g. reduced mowing, allowing mini-meadows to develop, composting of cuttings for reuse, avoiding pesticides, and planting of native species. Please see the entry pack for more information.

Believe it or not this is Clane’s 50th year in the National Tidy Towns Competition – a sincere thank you for your continued support!

Online Entry Form

    Estate Name (required)

    Contact Name (required)

    Contact Address (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Contact Telephone Number (required)

    If there are any recent initiatives or future plans you wish to bring to the judges attention please summarise them here:

    Clane’s Biodiversity Action Plan Published

    A detailed biodiversity action plan has been created by a cross-community group including Clane Tidy Towns, Clane Parish, local schools, residents’ associations, GreenPine Consultants and Kildare County Council.

    As well as various action points the community can take in the coming years, the document also includes helpful practical advice on how to plan, plant, and manage biodiversity friendly areas in our community.

    Find out more, download the document and get involved at our Biodiversity Action Plan page.

    General Election 2020

    A General Election is to be held Saturday February 8th 2020. Please see below for a list of all candidates, and for details of the Clane Poster-Free Zone.

    General Election Candidates – Kildare North Constituency

    Cronin Réada Sinn Féin
    Durkan Bernard Fine Gael
    Lawless James Fianna Fáil
    Lawlor Anthony Fine Gael
    Mahon Paul Solidarity-People Before Profit
    Martin Vincent P Green Party
    Monaghan David Independent
    Murphy Catherine Social Democrats
    Ó Riain Séamus Renua
    O’Rourke Frank Fianna Fáil
    Stagg Emmet Labour
    Swords Wayne Independent

    Clane Poster-Free Zone

    Clane Community Council, in association with its subcommittee Clane Tidy Towns, have proposed that parts of Clane be declared a Poster-Free Zone for election campaigns, as illustrated in the map below.

    This voluntary initiative is based on feedback from residents, businesses and the recent Clane Public-Realm Planning initiative public meetings, and has received the support of Kildare County Council.

    Clane Poster-Free Zone. Underlying map © OpenStreetMap Contributors

    Our sincere thanks to those candidates that are supporting this initiative.

    For information on all candidates, and our poster-free zone initiative, please see the community notice board on Main Street, and our website

    Please advise of any errors or omissions.

    Local and European Elections 2019

    Local and European Elections are to be held Friday May 24th 2019. Please see below for a list of all candidates, and for details of the Clane Poster-Free Zone.

    Local Election Candidates – Clane Local Electoral Area

    Farrelly Aidan Social Democrats
    Fitzpatrick Darragh Fianna Fáil
    Gibbs Marc Sinn Féin
    Hallissey Eoin Green Party
    Hogan Thomas Independent
    Keenan Daniel Fianna Fáil
    Langan Seamus Fine Gael
    McEvoy Pádraig Independent
    O’Connor Una Aontú
    Ó Riain Séamus Renua
    Weld Brendan Fine Gael
    Wyse Brendan Fine Gael

    European Election Candidates – Midlands North-West Constituency

    Brennan Cyril People Before Profit
    Carthy Matt Sinn Féin
    Casey Peter Independent
    Flanagan Luke ‘Ming’ Independent
    Greene Patrick Direct Democracy Ireland
    Hannigan Dominic Labour
    Healy Eames Fidelma Independent
    Mahapatra Dilip Independent
    McGuinness Mairead Fine Gael
    McHugh Saoirse Green Party
    Miller James Independent
    Mulcahy Diarmaid Independent
    O’Connor Olive Independent
    O’Dowd Michael Renua
    Rabbitte Anne Fianna Fáil
    Smith Brendan Fianna Fáil
    Walsh Maria Fine Gael

    Clane Poster-Free Zone

    Clane Community Council, in association with its subcommittee Clane Tidy Towns, have proposed that parts of Clane be declared a Poster-Free Zone for election campaigns, as illustrated in the map below.

    This voluntary initiative is based on feedback from residents, businesses and the recent Clane Public-Realm Planning initiative public meetings, and has received the support of Kildare County Council.

    Clane Poster-Free Zone. Underlying map © OpenStreetMap Contributors

    Our sincere thanks to those candidates that are supporting this initiative.

    For information on all candidates, and our poster-free zone initiative, please see the community notice board on Main Street, and our website

    Please advise of any errors or omissions.


    St. Patrick’s Festival Awards Night

    The St. Patrick’s Festival Awards Night took place on Friday 18th March in the Westgrove Hotel. The winners were as follows:

    Non Commercial Section
    1st   5th Kildare Scouts
    2nd  Clane Community Council
    3rd   Prosperous Guides

    Commercial Section
    1st   Early Days Creche
    2nd  Enquiring Minds Childcare
    3rd   Centre Stage Dance Academy

    Best Themed Award
    Enquiring Minds Childcare

    Overall Winner
    Early Days Creche

    Shop Window Display:
    Delmer Flowers and Bob and Kates Gift Shop

    Congratulations to all. Great Floats and very high standard this year.

    The 2017 Theme will be announced shortly.

    Our new song “A  SONG  FOR  CLANE” was written and performed by Mick Dunne (Singer/Songwriter). The CD is on sale in Bob and Kate’s Gift Shop, Clane for €4.

    Kind regards,
    Mary Dunne (Chairperson)

    Clane’s Tidy Towns campaign in full swing!

    Clane Tidy Towns Logo - 2013Clane’s Tidy Towns campaign for 2015 is now in full swing. Volunteers gather every Tuesday at 7:30pm outside the Abbey. In recent weeks the Kildare 13th Beavers, the Staff of SuperValu Clane, the pupils of Scoil Phádraig and several of the businesses on Main Street have made wonderful contributions. Would you or your organisation like to get involved? Just drop down some Tuesday you have an hour or two free or contact us at

    Tidy Towns tackling the Ballynagappagh Road with the help of SuperValu Clane

    Tidying up the Ballynagappagh Road with the help of SuperValu Clane

    13th Kildare Beavers after a big clean-up of Nancy's Lane

    13th Kildare Beavers after a big clean-up of Nancy’s Lane

    13th Kildare Beavers after litter picking the Liffey Walk

    13th Kildare Beavers after litter picking the Liffey Walk





    Missing Golden Retriever…

    A Golden Retriever bolted today as she arrived at her new home just outside Clane. She was wearing a pink lead. If you happen to spot her in the coming days please let us know where and when. You can email us at and we’ll pass on the message. Thanks!

    The Missing Golden Retriever

    Announcing Clane Men’s Shed Super Draw

    Clane Men’s Shed are running a Super Draw with some amazing prizes. All proceeds are going to the local Men’s Shed.

    First Prize:

    A beautifully restored Clinker Built Lake Boat plus Trailer

    Second Prize:

    2 nights Bed & Breakfast for two people sharing at
    The Castlerosse Hotel & Golf Resort, Killarney

    Third Prize:

    2 nights Bed & Breakfast midweek break for two people sharing at
    The Gresham Hotel, Dublin

    Tickets €5.00 per ticket

    All Proceeds to the Clane Men’s Shed

    Draw will take place on Wednesday May 28th  at the Clane Men’s Shed

    For further information & tickets contact
    Pat Hallissey @ 087 6905847
    Ted Murray @ 087 6876026

    The Loose Tooth Tree

    Damian Murphy, a native of St. Brigid’s Terrace, has sent us in a copy of one of his poems from his collection The Spice of Life: A Collection of Rhyming Verse. Do you remember the Loose Tooth Tree???

    The Loose Tooth Tree

    Memories of times long past
    Memories that seem to last
    One thing I remember, it was special to me
    Is the hideout known as The Loose Tooth Tree.

    It was in a hedge where many trees did grow
    It looked nothing special if you didn’t know
    But for me and my pals it was something just ours
    where we could escape for hours and hours.

    It was completely covered with dark green ivy
    Though the roots were loose, making it quite shaky
    But once inside you were impossible to see
    Ideal for a hideout we named the Loose Tooth Tree.

    Though you could see out cross the fields everywhere
    If you were quiet no one knew you were there.
    Keeping it secret was just half the fun
    An oath of secrecy was sworn by everyone.

    Bits and bobs from everywhere made it our own
    A great place to be, with the gang or alone
    Jokes and stories were told, there was great laughter
    And yes we discussed girls, and the ones we were after.

    We had blackjacks, fruitsalads and bullseyes too
    Time bars and curly wurlys that took ages to chew
    A place to relax where there was no sense of hurry
    We were so young sure we didn’t have a worry

    We used it for cowboys and indians, hide and seek
    The rare risqué mag there did we peek
    Indeed it is where I tried my first smoke
    When my pals were convinced I was going to choke.

    We ambushed the boys from Clongowes when they came to town
    Yes us boys from the Terrace gained some renown
    It was all good clean fun, just fisticuffs back then
    And didn’t it help us all on our journey from boys to men

    We were Smiths and Nevins, Murphys and Callans
    Dorans and Behans, Delaneys and Ryans
    All from St Brigids and so proud of the fact
    “No outsiders allowed” was a part of the pact

    We had bags of crisps that cost only two pence
    Wore platform shoes so high they didn’t make sense
    Flared collars so wide we were in danger of flight
    We had hair so long it often interfered with sight.

    We listened to the Osmonds, the Monkees and Status Quo
    We loved Abba and Gary Glitter (how were we to know)
    We loved the Waltons, Top Cat and the Flintstones, yabadabadoo
    Little House on the Prairie, Shirley Temple, and the Little Rascals too

    Yes The Loose Tooth Tree belonged to St. Brigid’s Terrace
    But as more houses went up other kids proved a menace
    Two bits of wood and a nail, we all had a sword to fight
    and peg guns proved effective if the aim was right.

    We decided to make up a language all of our own
    What we were saying others had no way of knowing
    Not parents nor priests, not teachers or anyone
    And we had such mighty craic, it was so much fun.

    It was an innocent time, we were all boys growing
    Our lives were changing without us really knowing
    In the Loose Tooth Tree we were all good friends together
    Making memories that would stay with each of us forever

    It was during the seventies in my home town of Clane
    Upon leaving ‘twas two decades ‘til I saw it again
    To my dismay the Loose Tooth Tree was no more
    But it will live on in my memory for evermore.

    © Damian Murphy 2013

    Clane’s 10th St. Patrick’s Day Festival – celebrating in style!

    Clane Abbey in Green St Patricks Day 2014

    Clane Abbey in a whole new light!

    The clock is ticking and the countdown has begun for Clane’s 10th Saint Patrick Day Festival.

    This year there is a fantastic array of events lined up  for all ages and interests by the hardworking Clane Festival Committee. So dig out the wellies, polish the dancing shoes, root out the face paints and enjoy.

    Click the programme below for a bigger version and check out for all the details.

    And finally, don’t worry if you are not in Clane on the big day – this year you can watch the parade live on the web from 2.45pm. Just go to and click on “WATCH IT LIVE”!

    Clane Festival Progamme 2014

    Interested in Mentoring Young People?

    A mentoring project that recruits, trains and supports volunteers from local communities to work as mentors to young people or their parents is currently seeking volunteers from the Kildare area.  It’s a opportunity for mentors to share their skills and experience with a young person in their community, encouraging them to getting involved in sport, activities or education.

    No experience is required as full training and support is given. Mentors meet once a week locally to do activities together.  For more information, contact 087-2016801/ email or visit the website.

    Closing date for this round of applications is February 24th.

    Celebrating Pride of Place

    A big congratulations to Otomy and to Park View who both were awarded first place in their categories in the County Kildare Pride of Place competition organized by Kildare County Council. Despite tremendous competition from around the county these estates were picked out for their wonderful community spirit so visible in and around the estates. Well done to both resident’s associations and to all the residents supporting their efforts.


    Christmas Market and Festival – calling all local businesses and crafts people…

    Following the great success of last years ‘Christmas Festival & Market’ Clane Project Centre will be running the event again this year.

    On Sunday 8th December 2013  at the Westgrove Hotel, Clane from 1.30 – 5.30pm
    Like last year there will be numerous stalls for seasonal fare complimented with Entertainment, a Kids playarea and a visit from ‘Santa’.
    Clane Project Centre are looking for local Crafts people, Bakers, Businesses, Designers, Artists and everyone in between!
    If you would like the opportunity to display and sell your wares they would be delighted to hear from you.Raffle Proceeds are to the ‘Little Way Cancer Support Centre’ Clane, Co. Kildare.

    The Stall will consist of 6ft table with white table cloth. €30 cost of a stall for the day.

    If you require any further information and if you would like to take part please do not hesitate to contact Marie Sheehy or Ted Murray at CPC Office on 045 861500.