Tag Archives: walk

New Benches by the Liffey!

Clane Community Council are delighted to share that two new benches have been installed in Clane Liffeyside Nature Park. Made from recycled plastic, we hope that these benches will help everyone enjoy the wonderful amenity that is the Liffey.


For all who come
By murmuring Liffey and the banks of Clane

Sir Samuel Ferguson, “Mesgedra, King of Leinster”
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Heritage Week in Clane

National Heritage Week is being held August 13-21st and local volunteers have arranged two free events in Clane…all welcome!

Hidden Gems and Forgotten People of Clane

Clane Local History Group will host a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Hidden Gems and Forgotten People of Clane’ in Clane Community Library courtesy of Mrs Jackie McCabe, Librarian. The exhibition can be viewed during library opening hours:

  • 13 August, 10am – 1pm
  • 16 August, 10am – 1pm
  • 16 August, 2pm – 8pm
  • 18 August, 2pm – 6pm
  • 20 August, 10am – 1pm

The Pale and Beyond

On Saturday August 20th at 3pm, Clane Community Council and Clane Local History Group have organised a stroll to the ramparts of the Pale and around the grounds of Clongowes Wood College. Former Clongowes teacher and local historian Brendan Cullen will give the talk on both the Pale and the early history of the castle as well as snippets of its later history and links to James Joyce.

The walk and talk starts at 3pm from the car park on the right hand side at the end of the Clongowes driveway.

All events are free and all are welcome – we hope to see you there!

Clane Local History Group and Clane Community Council supporting National Heritage Week.

Celebrate Heritage Week … in Clane

The week starting August 18th is National Heritage Week and this year we are delighted to announce it can be celebrated in Clane.

On Sunday 19th Clane Community Council has arranged a Wild About Clane Nature Walk by the Liffey, with experts from Birdwatch Ireland and Kildare Bat Group. The walk starts at 8pm in the Abbbeylands Shopping Centre Car Park.

On Tuesday 21st August starting at 8pm in the Library, Clane Local History Group are presenting a talk where local history experts will present on the topic Main Street Clane: Its Buildings and People.

Why not come out and enjoy your local heritage at one or both of these events…all are welcome and they are free of change. We look forward to seeing you there.