In recent months volunteers have stepped forward to help litter pick in and around Clane. Groups of volunteers have been out at weekends to collect litter and have it removed with the assistance of Kildare County Council.
However, there is more to the initiative than just picking litter. It also involves
learning about the heritage of our countryside and the flora and fauna to be seen
there. It is gathering momentum and Kildare County Council have launched a green-kilometer initiative to support these efforts. If you are interested in participating please get in touch!
From the Kildare County Council website…
Kildare Green Kilometre Scheme
When it comes to communities looking after their area to deal with littering and dumping, Kildare is well served with a network of Tidy Towns groups in almost every town and village in the county. But Kildare County Council is aware that there are groups and individuals in rural areas who would like to become involved in looking after their own locality. With over 2,500 kilometres of roads in the county, it is hoped that these communities will work to improve these targeted areas.
So rather than just asking people to pick up litter, we are asking groups and individuals to choose a kilometre of road in their area- preferably a quiet, local road in terms of safety. The group would then commit to maintain the chosen kilometre over the course of a year. Each Green Kilometre will be looked at twice in the year- not to judge, but to offer advice in terms of litter, hedge maintenance, care of heritage features etc.
Small prizes of some native trees and shrubs are on offer for all projects submitted. More importantly, it is an opportunity for your community to work together on a project that benefits everybody.
The following examples are some of the activities that can be included:
• Removing litter
• Managing hedgerows and verges
• Restoring heritage features such as old farm gates or walls.
Permission from landowners should be obtained first and protected structures should only be maintained following professional advice.
Please remember that the cutting of hedges is banned from March 1st to September 1st
Applications can be submitted at any time of the year.
The council looks forward to seeing many green kilometres around the
county in 2021 and beyond!…….
If you are interested in participating please make contact with Clane Community Council and Clane Tidy Towns by emailing Indicate where you live and that you want to help with the Green Kilometre initiative. We can assist you in having your group registered with Kildare county Council.
In related news Loughanure Area Text Alert Scheme undertook a litter picking day on Saturday 24/04/2021 and many helped to clean up the roads in our area approx. 10Km. A big Thank You to all who took part especially the young environmentalists.