An Bord Pleanála has destroyed Clane’s sustainable Local Area Plan by adding huge “Strategic Housing Developments” and other permissions that together would deliver 525 units instead of respecting the official 145 limit that now applies.
All 1249 permissions in total since 2017 would result in a 50% rise in population, 1500 additional cars on our roads, and an almost 50% rise in traffic congestion.
282 units have been constructed since 2017. A further 442 have finalised planning permissions. Of these, 59 are currently under construction and site clearance works for the remaining 383 units commenced in February 2022.
We are challenging the 525 units beyond these 442 that are already on their way.
This unplanned building explosion will impact everyone: school-place shortages, after-school activity waiting lists, chronic traffic congestion, pressure on all local services and local amenities.
Our legal advice is that An Bord Pleanála acted incorrectly and illegally and Clane Community Council and concerned residents have decided to organised legal challenges to save Clane from this massive over-development.
Unfortunately, this €40,000 Sustainable Clane Judicial Review is our last opportunity to protect a sustainable Clane, but we are encouraged by the fact that 85% of Judicial Reviews of Strategic Housing Developments have succeeded due to An Bord Pleanála acting outside the law.
One of our judicial reviews has already been conceded by An Bord Pleanála and their decision quashed. Three remaining decisions are the subject of ongoing judicial reviews:
- Capdoo/Abbeyland: SHD Permission for 333 Units
- Capdoo/Abbeyland: Permission for 91 Units within the larger site
- Millicent: SHD Permission for 192 Units
Depending on the High Court decisions, these two sites have the potential to add 283 or 525 more units, which remains a cause of great concern given the 145 unit housing allocation under existing development plans.
For more information, to register your support, and to contribute to this campaign for Clane, please visit our fundraising webpage:
Thank you in advance for any support you can give, and please share this message.