Tag Archives: silver medal

Clane Tidy Towns takes the Silver!!!

Clane Tidy Towns has marked its 50th anniversary in style! On it’s 50th year in the national Supervalu Tidy Towns competition it has achieved the first ever Silver Medal for Clane!

Since receiving its first Bronze Medal in 2014, the Clane Tidy Towns team has been working hard to see can Clane reach the next level in the competition. This year it was awarded 16 more points that awarded in 2022, bringing it within the band for a Silver Medal…and within a whisker of a Gold!

To see exactly how Clane did, please see the adjudicators report online here – the judge mentions various sites and locations and initiatives across the community that caught his or her eye.

A sincere thanks to everyone that has helped Clane Tidy Towns in any way over the years. Everyone is invited to help celebrate this achievement at the Celebration of Community in the Abbey Community Centre at 3pm on October the 14th.